Once upon a time there were three little pigs . . .
. . . and now it is time for them to leave home. They set off to build their dream houses in the green field on the other side of the river. But then these homes are put to the test by a misunderstood wolf who has a little bit of a problem.
And who is the grumpy person who lives under the bridge?

The Three Billy Pigs from Noisy Oyster for children of 3 years and over. The show blends two classic fairy tales The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff with beautifully crafted puppets, light hearted story telling, live music and a little bit of eco-awareness in a pig stylie.

"The Three Pigs meets Grand Designs; I love it!" Terry Pinto - PAAD - chartered architect
"Very entertaining. Very good puppetry, loved the music and loved the adult humour in with the children’s jokes."- audience member
"What a delight the Three Billy Pigs is. From start to finish the children’s rapt attention and lack of fidgeting demonstrated that they were enthralled by the show. The adults too were engrossed and appreciated the quality storytelling, contemporary references, subtle puns and jokes. I enjoyed the conceit of two traditional tales being entwined to make a whole new tale. The puppetry was excellent and the idea of having street-wise pigs and a posh wolf was a nice touch. The show was well supported by music, sound effects and good production values. I wholeheartedly recommend this show." Tei Williams, Good Night out, Oxfordshire’s Rural Touring Scheme.